
is your birthright.


is your birthright.

Julie Webb

The Animal Pastor

Restoring Connections

of Trust

You are deeply connected to the rest of this world, but sometimes it can be hard to see or trust that. I can help to restore healing and harmony to your household by working in cooperation with you and your animal companions.

I apply decades of pastoral experience to my ministry of animal communication, energy work, grief support, teaching, and more. You don't have to have any spiritual or faith tradition to work with me!

A woman kneeling on the floor, smiling, next to an orange tabby cat who is looking into the camera.

Can You Really Talk to Animals?

Yes, I can, and so can you. But more importantly, we can listen. Indigenous peoples and others, like St. Francis, have been doing it for ages.

Other species - and even humans, when we’re not using language - communicate through pictures and feelings, which sometimes translate into words. To receive what they’re telling you, you need to get very quiet and centered, so you can tell what’s coming from them and what’s coming from you! This can take lots of practice.

Francis of Assisi reached an understanding with the Wolf of Gubbio,

a town in Italy, which allowed both

wolf and town to live in harmony.

How I Can Help

Dog Icon

Animal Communication

I listen to your animal friends, helping you achieve new levels of understanding and harmony.

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Energy Work

Whether in person or at distance, I use several modalities to help soothe and heal both animals and their people.

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Pastoral Care

In times of grief or stress, I offer compassion and a listening ear, honed through decades of pastoral experience.

What My Clients Say

What I Offer

Communication and Pastoral Care

a group of animals including a dog, cat and bird

Animal Communication

Let me listen to your animal companion and relay to you, from their perspective, who they are and how they feel.

I will focus on their essence and favorite things; but I can also ask simple questions and perform a body scan (never intended to diagnose, but only to give a sense of how it may feel to be in the animal's body). This can be done at distance, using only a photo. When you book the appointment, you'll be prompted to enter the information I need. Sessions last one hour, and may include a blessing we create just for your animal, if you like.

a person, viewed from behind, walking their dog down a path in the woods

Pet Loss Grief &

Transition Support

Whether you are:

  • dreading the eventual loss of a beloved animal companion;
  • preparing for a euthanasia appointment;
  • looking for help to create or lead a ritual after your dear animal friend’s death; or
  • grieving the loss of them, even many years later;

I can offer a listening ear, a supportive presence, and (optionally) some words of prayer or blessing. To share your experience of grief in a one-on-one pastoral care session, make a 1-hour Zoom appointment with me. For group counseling or any of the other needs mentioned above, just ask me.

Energy Work

A person tapping with two fingers on their chin

EFT/Tapping with You or Your Animal

If you have a new animal in the household, a history of traumatic

experience, or an emotional/ behavioral issue you'd like to address (in your animal or yourself), I may be able to help you. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), has been shown to help lower cortisol levels, and is often used to "retrain the brain" to respond in new ways to a given stimulus. It involves tapping on acupressure points on the head and collarbone area, while speaking aloud in a "repeat after me" style, using a script we develop together. In person or at distance!

a golden-orange lotus flower on a background of bokeh

Scalar Wave Energy Work for You or Your Animal

If you or your animal are ill or upset and in "crisis mode", this technique

may be the one for you. It is very soothing. Bioscalar Wave is an energy healing technique developed by the late Dr. Valerie Hunt, Professor Emerita of UCLA. My teacher, Joan Ranquet, was authorized by Dr. Hunt to teach her method. Whereas Animal Reiki is a very non-directive approach to energy healing, Scalar Wave is an active, directed approach to blessing someone! Even though it can be helpful in critical situations, Scalar Wave is gentle and supportive anytime. Available in person or at distance.

A deer approaching a human's hand in a field

Reiki with You or Your Animal Friends

I meditate with animals, and you can, too! I am trained in Kathleen Prasad's Let Animals Lead® method of Animal Reiki, and want to practice. Let your animal benefit by scheduling a free energy healing session with me, either in person or at distance. I'm also a trained Level Two practitioner of Kali-Ki Reiki with humans.

A pale-skinned woman wearing a cross necklace and a shirt with clergy collar is smiling for the camera

About Pastor Julie

Julie Webb, The Animal Pastor, is an animal communicator, energy worker, ordained Lutheran (ELCA) pastor, and Mercy Associate.

She brings decades of pastoral experience to her ministry of intuitive interspecies communication, energy healing, grief support, teaching, and more. Trained in Reiki with humans and other animals, as well as pet loss bereavement support, she is also a graduate of and teacher in Joan Ranquet’s Communication with All Life University.

Pastor Julie’s gift is helping people rediscover their sacred connection with all things, so they can participate in healing the world.

One of her earliest sacred encounters took place in a childhood meadow, where she felt individual boundaries dissolve into a warm, loving timelessness. Her experience of contemplative spiritual practices, across decades and continents, prepared her for the sense of connection she feels through the work she’s doing now.

As a pastor, she has served for more than two decades in jail, hospital, and inter-generational congregational settings. These days, in addition to her interspecies ministry, she serves a Northern California congregation part-time. She lives with two beloved cats, who share her ministry.


and Ethics

I believe that humans are part of (not greater than or different from) the rest of life on this planet. We may have a natural partiality to our own species, but this doesn't make us more important than others. Thus, in my work, I strive to keep the focus on our sibling animals and their agency. In practical terms, this means that I won't necessarily "fix" a problem you're having in your household; what I will do is help you come to a new level of understanding and compassion with the other species in your life.

My hope is that such an encounter will help you rediscover the deep connection you have always had with everything that is, and that your delight in that connection will help you fall in love with the world (all over again). Then, your deep love for the world will motivate you to take your own action for its healing.

Ethics concept - yellow roadsign

Code of Ethics for Interspecies Telepathic Communicators

In 1990, Penelope Smith---who is sometimes called the grandmother of animal communication---formulated a code of ethics for interspecies communicators. I subscribe to this code. Read it here

The SARA Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics

Developed by Kathleen Prasad, Founder of Animal Reiki Source and President of the Shelter Animal Reiki Association. Read it here

A woman wearing glasses kisses a happy orange tabby cat on the top of the head

My Fees

I offer a variety of services, and try to make them as accessible as I can, while valuing the tremendous investment of time and money I put into my training - not to mention my years of pastoral experience. If you still can’t afford my services, please reach out to me: maybe I can connect you with a student who needs free case studies!


15-min. Zoom/Phone Care Call


One Hour of Animal Communication, EFT/Tapping, Scalar Wave, or Pet Loss Grief Support


Package of Three 1-hour Sessions - any combination of the above modalities (or 3 of the same)

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Anna Breytenbach: The Animal Communicator Documentary

Learn Animal Communication: Free 4-Part Series from Joan Ranquet

Intuitive Interspecies Communication Research

About Highly Sensitive Persons (all species): Elaine Aron, PhD

Jill and Joan Healing: Hemp Products & Classes

The Bladder Meridian Sweep for Cats and Dogs

Kathleen Prasad (SARA): Guided Meditation for Newly Adopted Animals

Contact Me

Julie Webb: The Animal Pastor

(Formerly Saint Francis Animal Communication & Healing)

Lake County, California, USA

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the logo for Shelter Animal Reiki Association

#support me on social media @critterpastor

The congregation I serve:

Copyright © 2020-2024 Julie Webb. All rights reserved.

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Image Credit, St. Francis and the Wolf: Koenig, Peter. St Francis of Assisi, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. [retrieved May 27, 2023]. Original source: Peter Winfried (Canisius) Koenig,